Friday, July 11, 2008

An Old but New Friend

The title here could possibly imply that I have an older "gentleman" friend. Actually, no - not at all, I have created a "new" (but old) woman friend.

My mom had this great friend that she probably met when I was not even in the double digits. I always cared for Nancy, because she was such a good friend to my mom. She made my mom laugh, she sat by her during troubled times, traveled with her, she was fun to be around, and she was there for my mom until the end - I mean THE END. All along, I thought of her as my mother's friend.

Something amazing happened (actually if you knew her - you wouldn't find it amazing - you would know that it is part of her.) Nancy kept in really good contact with my family and me once my mom died. She always had sent cards, and that continued. Along with this, she sent treats and all kinds of fun little holiday stuff for the boys, great books to read, new games she's seen, and even a few fireworks! Then she started coming to see my boys play their soccer and baseball games. It takes someone special to get up in the wee hours of the morning, bundle up in all kinds of layers of clothes, drive at least 45 minutes, and watch little boys play a game.

Last year when trying to find an additional manager for a long term event we were staffing, we wondered if Nancy would be interested. She was - and she has been the best person to work with - ever! She organizes me, I trust her, she does anything that I ask her to, she does great work, she is funny, and she cares.

I was thinking about the friends in my life, and Nancy is one of the first people that I thought of. How is it that she slipped into a different role, and has become someone new and changed? Actually, I just think I have grown up - and now I know how to pick the really good ones.

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