Friday, July 11, 2008

The time to say, "I Love You"

My very favorite time of day is 11:11 a.m. or p.m. I like that it is the only time that a digital clock will show the same numbers four times, I would like to someday sleep in until 11:11 a.m., and I love that time of night.

One day my youngest son asked me my favorite time of day and I told him. Right at this point he said, "Mom, every time it is 11:11, I will tell you that I love you."

Younger son is amazing. He always sees 11:11 a.m. on the clock and tells me that he loves me.

After a couple of weeks, he decided he had a favorite time of day. His choice - 7:11. Other twin wanted a time - 8:30, Older son - 12:12.

It's a trend! It's amazing how many times we hear the special words in our house.....what started as a small conversation has turned into a fun family ritual.

Do you have the time?

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