Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Workout Conundrum, Feeling and Looking Good?

Really, I know it.  Everyone knows it.  To be a completely healthy person, exercise is a must.  Commercials, magazine articles, gurus, and newspapers have millions and millions of articles, tests, and facts to back up this thought.  

I've not always been bigger, but I am now.  This isn't something that I talk about, it's not something that I'm proud of, and for me it's daily mental torture.  I grew up feeling like being my size was not the right size - I could always be smaller - and this was when I weighed less than a black Labrador.  It's not that I don't know how to eat right or belong to a gym, it is just that the amount to loose now is so large, that I don't even know how to begin...Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, a personal trainer, and my family and friends wonder if I'll ever be able to pass the three week mark without messing up....again.

I belong to a gym and actually really like going, but I do not like how I look at the gym.  This is the thing, I know that I am supposed to work out, but show my "bigger" girl self where to buy some decent looking workout clothes.  Trust me when I say that I 've the mall, at sports shops, online, BUT...most of the time, I end up wearing a big man's t-shirt and some sloppy shorts.  I already feel like I don't fit in, so does what I have to wear need to be so obvious too?

As I finish this blog, so many things run through my tomorrow the day that I will begin a healthy eating regimen?  How long will it take me to lose the weight that I need to lose?  Will I ever really be able to find good-looking workout clothes?  The answer is in the search - and I am now on the prowl.

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